Friday, October 31, 2008

Even if we're miles apart......

We've been back for almost a week now and... it has been hard. Whether it is the jet lag, reverse culture shock, craziness of New York, or returning to find ourselves without homes of our own, jobs, etc. that is the biggest factor in the difficulty of this transition I can't say.

Though I'm living outside the city for now, I have spent most of my days in NY at this point. Things that I expected to find comforting and familiar have been surprisingly upsetting. In India, we looked forward to finally feeling/dressing cute again, now I'm unsettled by the fabulousness of this city. For now at least, I exist in a different reality and am disconnected from what was my former life here. Plans I had no longer seem as relevant and my interests aren't aligned with the life I planned on re-entering. Running into old friends, teachers, etc. is hard.

India feels so far away now; like a distant dream. I kept thinking that with time I'd be able to process it, but now that seems silly. I'm sure we'll both keep learning from it for years. Right now lessons that I thought I had integrated are being forgotten in the context of a different (familiar) city. Especially now that there is so much to do......

One thing that has been wonderful is HSM3. This is my soundtrack these days.

I've got a lot of things I have to do
All these distractions, our future's coming soon
We're being pulled a hundred directions
But whatever happens, I know I've got you

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